Daily Thought 06.05.13

From: "Daily Thought" <dailythought@aa-alive.org>
Date: June 4th 2013
AA Thought for the Day
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)

June 5, 2013

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We shall look for progress, not for perfection.

- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 91

Thought to Ponder . . .
Life will take on new meaning.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Attitude Adjustment.

A Member Shares:
Hi, my name is Ana, and I am an alcoholic. When I was a little girl, I always felt I had to be perfect. I tried for years, and then it became even more difficult to be accepted by others than trying to be perfect. It was impossible to be accepted and kind to everyone. When I started drinking, old enough to pay for my own drinks, I found that I could solve everything when drinking. I was perfect. Perfectly drunk! I continued drinking more and more, and, as it’s a progressive disease without a cure, I was almost dying alive. When I finally found AA, I was angry, sad and defeated, trying to accept my illness. It was a long road. First, I had to accept that I could not drink like a normal person. I was insane, needing help -- not easy for my perfectionism. I started reading the books, pamphlets, went to lots of meetings. I started talking with my sponsor, listening to him, and doing what he asked me. My first homework was: say to your mother every time you talk with her that you love her. I thought he was crazy, but I started doing it and the results were great. I forgot my anger with her, it became real that I love her, and she also started to say, “I love you.” It was the first clue that if I change my attitude about life, my life could be better. With the help of AA and listening, I learned it was important to be quiet because I needed to identify with the others. Their experiences help me to solve my problems. It makes me responsible for my decisions. With the help of my Higher Power, all the literature, and listening to everyone, I forgot I was "perfect." I became one with the world. Little by little, doing the Steps, my personality changed, my vocabulary was different, and my approach to life was different. My expressions of love were more frequent and everything changed in my life. It even was better for my pets because I was becoming a new person – one who makes mistakes, one who says, “I love you” first, and one who says, “Thank you” in every step of my life. Progress without perfection gives me peace; gives me the ability to sleep and be relaxed. Progress gives me happiness. Every day is a new day to have the opportunity to be a bit better as a person, a normal person, not like back when I was trying to be perfect. Thank you.

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Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message.
Blessings in sobriety to all,
In love and service,
joanna b

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