AA Thought for the Day
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
August 13, 2023
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Are We Ready?
If we would gain any real advantage in the use of this Step on problems
other than alcohol, we shall need to make a brand new venture into open-
mindedness. We shall need to raise our eyes toward perfection, and be
ready to walk in that direction. It will seldom matter how haltingly we walk.
The only question will be "Are we ready?"
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, (Step Six) p. 68
Thought to Ponder
If I want God to remove my defects of character,
I'll need to stop doing them.
AA-related 'Alconym'
A A = Amazing Adventure.
A Member Shares:
I am Eddy, an alcoholic. When I was new I knew that all of me was pretty much a defect of character. The steps showed me that as I did an inventory. That first inventory and the procession through the steps changed a lot of things and I saw a lot of the defects removed. The more I worked the program, I realized that there was more. More resentments and more on my side of the street and I did it again. I went through the steps and low and behold there are even more. They catch a little of the light that God shoots in me and I see them clearly. The fact is that we don't one and done this thing. It's ongoing for me. The more I put in the more I get out and the more I dig the more I reveal to myself. I will always be me but God does a work in this guy that far exceeds my own ability. At first it was alcohol and the cravings being removed. Now it's more than that. It's relations being healed. It's watching anger leave me. It's seeing the differences that His guidance has made and it's a blessing even when it hurts a little. I know I'll always be me, but AA has made a different kind of me. A new Eddy, if I can call it that, and I am under construction. I was once told that silver is refined by fire and when its ready you will see your reflection in it. That is how I feel about AA, God and me. I'm the silver and am having my impurities burned off. When I am refined God will see His reflection and remove me from the flames. The entire process is the blessing and I am glad to be sober and receiving that blessing today. Always gonna be me, but God makes the changes in His time and readies me for it. Thanks.
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