Daily Thought 06.16.24

From: "Daily Thought" <dailythought@aa-alive.org>
Date: June 16th 2024

AA Thought for the Day
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)

June 16, 2024
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Step Twelve
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these
steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and
to practice these principles in all our affairs.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, (How It Works) p. 60

Thought to Ponder
A spiritual awakening is our greatest gift.


AA-related 'Alconym'
A A  =  Amazing Awakening.


A Member Shares:
I'm still Bill and alkie, and I'm getting hungry so I'll try going first. The folks who 12 stepped me knew and lived the first line in the 12th step. Me? Hell I had no idea what the steps were until I got to my first meeting and saw the wall hanging. They guided me through the first 3 steps with patience and love. I had surrendered when I made the call for help, though I had no idea what AA was besides a bar joke. Best hours of my life. Well spent. That was on Wednesday or Thursday and the guy I call 13 boot (cause he stuck it up my behind often) says, you know where I live, we'll do step 4 Saturday. Get there early and I did, I saw how each steps builds on the previous one. The whole concept was what I had been searching for and didn't know it. So today I'm sober over half my life. If you're new, try it our way. It really does work. I know, I know that's a tired overused slogan, but its true. Thanks.

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