AA Thought for the Day
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
December 31, 2023
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One way to keep the channel open and to improve my conscious
contact with God is to maintain a grateful attitude. On the days
when I am grateful, good things seem to happen in my life. The
instant I start cursing things in my life, however, the flow of good
stops. God did not interrupt the flow; my own negativity did.
- Daily Reflections, (November 6)
Thought to Ponder
There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.
AA-related 'Alconym'
H U G S = Hope, Unity, Gratitude, Serenity.
A Member Shares:
I'm Steve and I'm an alcoholic. I've definitely had my ups and downs with the "gratitude thing." I remember a year or so ago reading an article criticizing gratitude and especially "toxic gratitude" as the author of the article wrote. So, I have a family member in early sobriety who doesn't want to follow our program. I was shunning gratitude at the time. And this triggered "Steve controlling everything" and cursing things (as the Reading says.) Instead of sharing my experience, I was barking out orders about sobriety and how to do it etc. After listening to many valuable shares on this site, it's better to say "I don't know" or something along those lines. To keep me from trying to take control. Only God/HP should be in charge and not Steve. Just try to do the right thing each day. And not drink too, one day at a time. Thanks.
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