AA Thought for the Day
(courtesy AA-Alive.net)
January 21, 2024
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Rewards of Meditation and Prayer
Perhaps one of the greatest rewards of meditation and prayer is the sense of
belonging that comes to us. We no longer live in a completely hostile world. We
are no longer lost and frightened and purposeless. The moment we catch even
a glimpse of God's will, the moment we begin to see truth, justice, and love as
the real and eternal things in life, we are no longer deeply disturbed by all the
seeming evidence to the contrary that surrounds us in purely human affairs.
We know that God lovingly watches over us.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, (Step Eleven) p. 105
Thought to Ponder
Prayer asks the question. Meditation listens for the answer.
AA-related 'Alconym'
Y A N A = You Are Not Alone.
A Member Shares:
My name is Isabella and I am an alcoholic. I felt lost and frightened and purposeless before I even started drinking. The world was a very scary place. Everyone else looked like they knew something I didn't. I felt alone and different, growing up I didn't even feel like I belonged in my own family, no real friends, just fellow drinkers. I had no purpose or direction, I was filled with insecurities, unnamed fears and a dread of life. Drinking took those fears away.... until it didn't, and in fact magnified all the negative thoughts and feelings. I lived in isolation even when I had to be with other people. I would just go through the motions of being "sociable" until I could get home and drink. Being sober has removed the shame of drinking, fear of people and the world. Today I truly belong, I no longer feel like an outsider looking in. Truly blessed to be one among many, a privilege to be with all of you. Practicing prayer and meditation daily has allowed that to happen. Inviting God in, opening myself to Him, asking Him to build within me, to do with me as Thou will. Spending dedicated time every morning with my Higher Power has grown into a real friendship. He is my best friend...I trust and love Him. Only in sobriety, have I been able to experience the loving relationship with God, that I had been seeking all my life. In Him I have found Purpose. His loving will for me, the Truth... that no human power could have relieved me of my alcoholism. Justice... to give what has been freely given to me. Love... God himself. Thank you for being here this morning.
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