Daily Thought Archives


Daily Thought 04.10.13

April 9th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 10, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Do No Harm* It is only by accepting and solving our problems that we can begin to get right with ourselves and with the world about us, and with Him who presides over us all. Understanding is the key to right principles and attitudes, and right action is the key to good living.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 125 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Serenity is not the absence of conflict but the ability ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.10.13

April 9th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 10, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Do No Harm* It is only by accepting and solving our problems that we can begin to get right with ourselves and with the world about us, and with Him who presides over us all. Understanding is the key to right principles and attitudes, and right action is the key to good living.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 125 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Serenity is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with i ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.09.13

April 8th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 9, 2013* *Prayer* *Pray. Whether you believe it or not, pray to a higher power. If we were able to stay sober on our own power, we wouldn't be here tonight. It takes a power greater than ourselves, and prayer is how we contact that higher power. You can use a religious one or one of your own choosing. If the God word bothers you, pray to an anonymous higher power or even "to whom it may concern." In the morning, ask this Higher Power to keep you ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.08.13

April 7th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 8, 2013* *Humility* *"Perpetual quietness of the heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore; to wonder at nothing that is done to me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised, it is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go in and close the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace, as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and about is seeming trouble ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.07.13

April 6th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 7, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Acceptance* Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 417 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Acceptance is the answer to /all/ my problems today. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A B C* = ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.06.13

April 5th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 6, 2013* *A Way of Life* *It was a great relief to know I didn't /have/ to drink any more. I was told that I must want sobriety for my own sake, and I am convinced this is true. There may be many reasons that bring one to AA for the first time, but the lasting one must be to want sobriety and the AA way of life.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ pp. 354-355 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *AA is not something we join; it's a way of life.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* * ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.05.13

April 4th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 5, 2013* *Inventory* *By discovering what my emotional deformities are, I can move toward their correction. Without a willing and persistent effort to do this, there can be little sobriety or contentment for me.* /- Daily Reflections,/ p. 100 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Inventory-taking is not all in red ink.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *N O W* = **N**o **O**ther **W**way. Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and ho ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.04.13

April 3rd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 4, 2013* *Seduction* *It can still occur to me what a good drink tastes like and what it can do for me, from my stand-at-attention alcoholic taste buds right down to my stretched out tingling toes. . . ... such thoughts are like red flags, telling me that something is not right, that I am stretched beyond my sober limit. That special relationship with alcohol will always be there, waiting to seduce me again.* /Alcoholics Anonymous,/ pp. 396-397 *Thought to ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.03.13

April 2nd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 3, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Aloneness* Almost without exception, alcoholics are tortured by loneliness. Even before our drinking got bad and people cut us off, nearly all of us suffered the feeling that we didn't quite belong.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 57 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *God enters us through our wounds. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *Y A N A* = **Y**ou **A**re **N**ot **A**lone.* * *A Member Shares:* **Hi, I'm Slam, and I ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.02.13

April 1st 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 2, 2013* *Anger* *Perhaps "justifiable" resentment is the trickiest of all to handle. It's the end product of "righteous" anger, after long cherishing, and if it is allowed to continue, it will slowly undermine our defenses against taking a drink. Even if we actually have been treated shabbily or unjustly, resentment is a luxury that, as alcoholics, we cannot afford. For us, all anger is self-destructive.* /Living Sober,/ p. 39 *Thought ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.01.13

March 31st 2013 UTC

Gentle Reader, Please accept our apologies for an error in yesterday's Daily Thought. It should have been dated March 31, 2013 instead of April 1. Thank you for understanding. In loving service, joanna b *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 1, 2013* *A Living Program* *I doubt very much there is a single one of us through the years who does not leave some faint imprint of his creative thinking, some meaningful expression, some small inspired insight as an addition to our healing b ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 04.01.13

March 30th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *April 1, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *A Path to Faith* True humility and an open mind can lead us to faith, and every AA meeting is an assurance that God will restore us to sanity if we rightly relate ourselves to Him.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 246 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the Light, even though for the moment you do not see. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *F A I T H* = **F**inding **A**ns ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.30.13

March 29th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 30, 2013* *Truth* *Truth is to inner space what sunshine is to a garden. In its absence, fear flourishes and imagination runs riot, conjuring up pursuing monsters where there are only paper dragons. . . Truth liberates. Truth heals. Truth unlocks the door to the glory of reality and gives us the means to live in harmony with reality. In return, it asks only that we surrender all lies and illusions and love What is. Why do we wait so long?* Th ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.29.13

March 28th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 29, 2013* *Ego* *I am still arrogant, egocentric, self-righteous, with no humility, even phony at times, but I'm trying to be a better person and help my fellowman. Guess I'll never be a saint, but whatever I am, I want to be sober and in AA. The word "alcoholic" does not turn me off any more; in fact, it is music to my ears when it applies to me.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous/ [Third Edition], p. 463 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Humility ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.28.13

March 27th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 28, 2013* *In His Hands* *Cling to the thought that, in God's hands, the dark past is the greatest possession you have -- the key to life and happiness for others. With it you can avert death and misery for them.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 124 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A A* = **A**lways **A**wesome. Tha ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.27.13

March 26th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 27, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Surrender* Beaten into complete defeat by alcohol, confronted by the living proof of release, and surrounded by those who can speak from the heart, we have finally surrendered. . . Enough willingness, enough open-mindedness -- and there it is!* /- The Language of the Heart,/ p. 246 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Avoidance is not the key; surrender opens the door. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *K I S S* = **K**eep ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.26.13

March 25th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 26, 2013* *Living Sober* *Somewhat to our surprise, staying sober turns out not to be the grim, wet-blanket experience we had expected! While we were drinking, a life without alcohol seemed like no life at all. But for most members of AA, living sober is /really/ living -- a joyous experience. We much prefer it to the troubles we had with drinking. One more note: anyone can /get/ sober. We have done it lots of times. The trick is to stay and /l ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.25.13

March 24th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 25, 2013* *Our Big Book* *Thus we grow. And so can you, though you be but one man with this book in your hand. We believe and hope it contains all you need to begin. We know what you are thinking. You are saying to yourself: "I'm jittery and alone. I couldn't do that." But you can. You forget that you have just now tapped a source of power greater than yourself. To duplicate, with such backing, what we have accomplished is only a ma ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.24.13

March 23rd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 24, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Action* Step Three calls for affirmative action, for it is only by action that we can cut away the self-wil l which has always blocked the entry of God -- or, if you like, a Higher Power into our lives. . . Step Three represents our first attempt to do this.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 34 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *We surrender to win. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *S W A T* = **S**urrender, ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.23.13

March 22nd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 23, 2013* *Turning it Over* *My selfishness was the driving force behind my drinking. I drank to celebrate success and I drank to drown my sorrows. Humility is the answer. I learn to turn my will over to the care of God.* /- Daily Reflections,/ p. 227 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Learning is the very essence of humility; the two walk hand in hand.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *G O D* = **G**ood **O**rderly **D**irection. Thanks to all of you for sharing so g ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.22.13

March 21st 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 22, 2013* *Fellowship* *In AA, afflicted men and women have recaptured the lost art of fellowship. We came together because we were in trouble. We leave our references and credentials at the door. . . We come together in the downright simple faith that every human being has a right to health in body, mind, and soul. Together we continue to strive for these great blessings in the Fellowship of AA.* /- Thank You For Sharing,/ p. 58 *Thought to ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.21.13

March 20th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 21, 2013* *The Ladder* *No one who drank as I did wakes up on the edge of the abyss one morning and says:Things look pretty scary; I think I'd better stop drinking before I fall in. I was convinced I could go as far as I wanted, and then climb back out when it wasn't fun any more. What happened was, I found myself at the bottom of the canyon thinking I'd never see the sun again. AA didn't pull me out of that hole. It did give me the tools to co ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.20.13

March 19th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 20, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Step One* We admitted we were powerless over alcohol -- that our lives had become unmanageable.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 59 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *The distance is nothing; it is only the first step toward it that is difficult. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *H O W* = **H**onesty, **O**pen-mindedness, **W**illingness.* * *A Member Shares:* **Hi all, I'm Rick and an alcoholic. I haven't been sober long, and ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.19.13

March 18th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 19, 2013* *Forgiveness* *I must forgive injuries, not just in words, or as a matter of form, but in my heart. I do this not for the other persons' sake, but for my own sake. Resentment, anger, or a desire to see someone punished, are things that rot my soul. Such things fasten my troubles to me with chains.* /- Daily Reflections,/ p. 88 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Forgiveness of others is a gift to yourself.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* * ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.18.13

March 17th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 18, 2013* *Attitude* *Whatever is done is over. It cannot be changed. But my attitude about it can be changed through talking with those who have gone before and with sponsors. . . I won't have to wish the past away. I can change my feeling and attitudes, but only through my actions and the help of my fellow alcoholics.* /- Daily Reflections,/ p. 141 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?* *AA-related ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.17.13

March 16th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 17, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Self-will* So our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making. They arise out of ourselves, and the alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot, though he usually doesn't think so. Above everything, we alcoholics must be rid of this selfishness. We must, or it kills us! God makes that possible.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 62 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *If I self-forget I find. *AA-relate ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.16.13

March 15th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 16, 2013* *Rewards* *The simple contrast between active alcoholism and active sobriety has helped me to seek, listen and to apply the good principles of living, and I am rewarded with much more excitement and joy than was mine before AA sobriety.* /- Came To Believe . . .,/ p. 4 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *I saw, I felt, I believed.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A B C* = **A**cceptance, **B**elief, **C**hange. Thanks to all of you for shar ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.15.13

March 14th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 15, 2013* *Sanity* *"Sanity" is defined as "soundness of mind." Yet no alcoholic, soberly analyzing his destructive behavior, whether the destruction fell on the dining-room furniture or his own moral fiber, can claim "soundness of mind" for himself.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 33 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *The Twelve Steps; a manuscript for rational living.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *S T E ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.14.13

March 13th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 14, 2013* *Membership* *Is living for you a tragedy or an opportunity -- or does it mean just nothing? Belonging to a group makes life an opportunity for me, life as I find it today, in "this 24." What I need is something to encourage the best in me while it helps to keep me humble about the worst in me. This I find in my membership in the local group of Alcoholics Anonymous.* /- The Home Group: Heartbeat of AA,/ p. 20 *Thought to P ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.13.13

March 12th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 13, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *No Regrets* We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 83 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Every day is a gift. That is why we call it the present. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *O D A A T* = **O**ne **D**ay *A Member Shares:* **Hi family, Paul here, a grateful recovering alcoholic. By God's grace and this Fellowsh ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.12.13

March 11th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 12, 2013* *Acceptance* *And acceptance is the answer to /all/ my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation -- some fact of my life -- unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 41 ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.11.13

March 10th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 11, 2013* *Perfection* *I do not have to strive for perfection. Mistakes are permissible. I have the right to be wrong. And what a comfort that thought is to me, as I make my bemused way through life, one foot in a bucket, pushing on doors marked "Pull."* /- The Best Of The Grapevine/ [Vol.2}, p. 168 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Give me the courage to be imperfect.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *S L I P* = **S**o **L**ong! **I**'m * ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.10.13

March 9th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 10, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Patience* Patience, tolerance, understanding and love are the watchwords.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 118 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Patience is passion tamed. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *P U T* = **P**atience, **U**nderstanding, *A Member Shares:* **Hey, y'all. I'm Sherri, an alcoholic. My date of sobriety is July 6, 1994, and for that, I am profoundly grateful. The perfect topic for me right now: " ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.09.13

March 8th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 9, 2013* *Rebellion* *A whole lifetime geared to self-centeredness cannot be set in reverse all at once. Rebellion dogs our every step at first. When we have finally admitted without reservation that we are powerless over alcohol, we are apt to breathe a great sigh of relief, saying, "Well, thank God that's over! I'll never have to go through /that/ again!" Then we learn, often to our consternation, that this is only the first milestone ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.08.13

March 7th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 8, 2013* *Online AA* *I'm thrilled that at any hour I can find someone to talk to. Twice this week, I've had tormented thoughts at three A.M. Do I have to phone and wake someone up for support? No, because other sober insomniacs are online, ready to help me through the night. . . Online meetings are like any other -- if you get there, you are welcome there.* /- Thank You For Sharing,/ p. 71 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Modem-to-modem or face-to ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.07.13

March 6th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 7, 2013* *Silent Revolution* *Gradually, in a manner I cannot explain, I began to re-examine the beliefs I had thought beyond criticism. Almost imperceptibly my whole attitude toward life underwent a silent revolution. I lost many worries and gained confidence. . . A belief in the basic spirituality of life has grown and with it belief in a supreme and guiding power for good.* /- Experience, Strength and Hope,/ p. 107 *Thought to Ponder . . . ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.06.13

March 5th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 6, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Living in the Now* First, we try living in the now just in order to stay sober -- and it works. Once the idea has become a part of out thinking, we find that living life in 24-hour segments is an effective and satisfying way to handle other matters as well.* /- As Bill Sees It,/ p. 169 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *If I don't drink today, I have the hope of a tomorrow. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *S I T* = **S ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.05.13

March 4th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 5, 2013* *Independence* *The more we become willing to depend upon a Higher Power, the more independent we actually are. Therefore, dependence, as AA practices it, is really a means of gaining true independence of the spirit.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 36 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *If faith without works is dead; then willingness without action is fantasy.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *H O W* = **H**onesty, **O**pen-mind ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.04.13

March 3rd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 4, 2013* *Expectations* *We had approached AA expecting to be taught self-confidence. Then we had been told that so far as alcohol is concerned, self-confidence was no good whatever; in fact, it was a total liability.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 22 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *What I am is God's gift to me. What I make of myself is my gift to Him.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *W O W* = **W**illingness **O**ver **W**illpower ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.03.13

March 2nd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 3, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Surrender* Such is the paradox of AA regeneration: strength arising out of complete defeat and weakness, the loss of one's old life as a condition for finding a new one.* /- AA Comes of Age,/ p. 46 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *We surrender to win. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *K I S S* = **K**eep **I**t *A Member Shares:* **Hello, welcome to our new online friends. I am Charlie Johnson and I have alcoholism. T ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.02.13

March 1st 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 2, 2013* *Challenges* *Life is meant to be lived by facing the challenges it brings. Otherwise, I'm not living, just existing. God didn't give me this gift of sobriety to sit in a rocking chair, imagining myself as some wise old woman who has arrived somewhere. There is no easier, softer way.* /- The Best Of The Grapevine/ [Vol. 3}, p. 320 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Sobriety is a journey, not a destination.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* * ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 03.01.13

February 28th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *March 1, 2013* *Willingness* *When I am willing to do the right thing, I am rewarded with an inner peace no amount of liquor could ever provide. When I am unwilling to do the right thing, I become restless, irritable and discontent. It is always my choice.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 317 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *When I choose the behavior, I choose the consequences.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *W H O* = **W**illingness, **H**onesty, **O**pe ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.28.13

February 27th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 28, 2013* *Today* *But today is always here. Life /is/ daily; today is all we have; and anybody can go one day without drinking. First, we try living in the now just in order to stay sober -- and it works. Once the idea has become a part of our thinking, we find that living life in 24-hour segments is an effective and satisfying way to handle many other matters as well.* /- Living Sober,/ p. 7 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Just for today, I ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.27.13

February 26th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 27, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Emotional Stability* We discovered the best possible source of emotional stability to be God Himself. We found that dependence upon His perfect justice, forgiveness, and love was healthy, and that it would work where nothing else would.* /- As Bill Sees It,/ p. 72 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.26.13

February 25th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 26, 2013* *A Wonderful Thing* *... it was a silly idea that we were too good to need God. Now we try to put spiritual principles to work in every department of our lives. When we do that, we find it solves our problems, too; the ensuing lack of fear, worry and hurt feelings is a wonderful thing.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ pp. 126-127 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Don't fear tomorrow. God is already there.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A A* ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.25.13

February 24th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 25, 2013* *Tyrant* *The truth is, that in the life of each AA member, there still lurks a tyrant. His name is alcohol. And his weapons are misery, insanity, and death. No matter how long we may be sober, he always stands at each man's elbow, ever watchful of an opportunity to resume his destruction.* /- The Language of the Heart,/ p. 34 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *The alcoholic is in no greater peril than when he takes sobriety for granted.* ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.24.13

February 23rd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 24, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *A Right to be Wrong* The AA group would have to stick to its course or be hopelessly lost. Sobriety had to be its sole objective. In all other aspects there was perfect freedom of will and action. Every group had the right to be wrong.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 147 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *There is no strength without unity. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A A* = **A**ll **A**ccepted.* ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.23.13

February 22nd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 23, 2013* *Easier, Softer Way* *When I couldn't find an easier, softer way, I looked for a person with the magic wand, the one person in AA who could make me all better, right now. This was a frustrating task . . . I finally realized that if I wanted this life, I was going to have to do what the others had done. No one made me drink, and no one was going to make me sober. This program is for people who want it, not people who need it.* /- ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.22.13

February 21st 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 22, 2013* *Reality* *Above all, we reject fantasizing and accept reality. The more I drank, the more I fantasized everything. . . I lived in a dream world. AA led me gently from the fantasizing to embrace reality with open arms. And I found it beautiful! For, at last, I was at peace with myself. And with others. And with God.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous/ [Third Edition], pp. 560-561 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *You cannot get ahead until you ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.21.13

February 20th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 21, 2013* *Introduction* *I politely invited God to spend the day with me (like a visiting relative or friend), and instantly began a mental dialogue with God . . . I realized that in the process of introducing myself to God, I was getting a good look at who I really was.* - The AA Grapevine, October, 1985 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Take a walk with God. He will meet you at the Steps.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *G I F T* = **G**od **I ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.20.13

February 19th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 20, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Honesty* Only God can fully know what absolute honesty is. Therefore, each of us has to conceive what this great ideal may be -- to the best of our ability. Fallible as we all are, it would be presumption to suppose that we could ever really achieve absolute honesty. The best we can do is to strive for a better quality of honesty.* /- As Bill Sees It,/ p. 172 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Honesty isn't a ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.19.13

February 18th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 19, 2013* *Resentments* *I try to practice tolerance in small ways, putting aside the little resentments, making light of that stealthy foe, self-pity, which will keep creeping in. . . I know I must try to look after the little things and then those big fish deep down will swim along, and before I know it I will land a Major Resentment or a Whale of Self-pity. In this way, I've gained some measure of tranquility as well as a deep and abiding ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.18.13

February 17th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 18, 2013* *Key to Life* *Cling to the thought that, in God's hands, the dark past is the greatest possession you have -- the key to life and happiness for others. With it, you can avert death and misery for them.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 124 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A A* = **A**lways **A**live. Thanks to all of you for sharing so generousl ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.17.13

February 16th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 17, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Letting Go* When we look back, we realize that things which came to us when we put ourselves in God's hands were better than anything we could have planned.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 99 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Take a walk with God; He will meet you at the Steps. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *G O D* = **G**ood **O**rderly **D**irection.* * *A Member Shares:* **Hi all, I am Betty, an alcoholic. ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.16.13

February 15th 2013 UTC

Dear Gentle Reader, A problem with our automated bulk email server is causing some of us to receive more than one copy of the Daily Thought. Our AA-Alive Tech Team is working to solve the problem. Thanks so much for your understanding and patience. Our apologies for the inconvenience. In loving service and fellowship, The Editors. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 16, 2013* *Conflicts* *Very deep, sometimes quite forgotten, damaging emotional conflicts persist below the level of c ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.15.13

February 14th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 15, 2013* *Action* *We shall have to come to grips with some of our worst character defects and take action toward their removal as quickly as we can. The moment we say, "No, never!" our minds close against the grace of God. Delay is dangerous, and rebellion may be fatal.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p, 69 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *When I got busy, I got better.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A A* = **A**ccountable ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.14.13

February 13th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 14, 2013* *Love* *Love will teach us values in life. It shows us that the things that count are never held in the hand but always in the heart. . . The love we find in AA is always warm, never cold. It is firm, never loose. Companionship is a result of love.* /- The Best of The Grapevine/ [Vol. 3], p, 297 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Love is a gift that must keep on giving to be kept.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *O D A A T* = **O**ne * ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.13.13

February 12th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 13, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Self-forgetting* Grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted -- to understand, than to be understood -- to love, than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 99 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *If I self-forget I find. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *W I S D O M* = **W**hen **I**nto **S**elf, **D**iscover **O**ur **M**otives.* * *A Memb ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.12.13

February 11th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 12, 2013* *Emotional Sobriety* *If we examine every disturbance we have, great or small, we will find at the root of it some unhealthy dependency and its consequent unhealthy demand. Let us, with God's help continually surrender these hobbling demands. Then we can be set free to live and love; we may then be able to Twelfth Step ourselves and others into emotional sobriety.* /- The Language of the Heart,/ p. 238 *Thought to Ponder . . .* ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.11.13

February 10th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 11, 2013* *Perfection* *Perfection would limit me; imperfection offers me the freedom of a million potentials. All the excitement and interest and wonder of adventure are mine to explore, ever-new, ever-changing, ever-becoming. Thank God, as a result of AA and sobriety, I am liberated from dreaming the /impossible/ dream, and free, finally, to start living the /possible/ dream.* /- The Best of the Grapevine/ [Vol. 1], p. 61 *Thought to P ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.10.13

February 9th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 10, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Gratitude* How much better it would have been had I felt /gratitude/ rather than self-satisfaction -- /gratitude/ that I had suffered the pains of alcoholism, /gratitude/ that a miracle of recovery had been worked upon me from above, /gratitude/ for the privilege of serving my fellow alcoholics.* /- The Language of the Heart,/ p. 36 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *I am grateful for this minute; my eternity may ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.09.13

February 8th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 9, 2013* *Truth* *I began with blind faith, but the proof of truth is that /it works./ I believed those who said they had suffered from alcoholism, but, through AA were now enjoying sobriety. So the truth was there for me to see.* /- Came To Believe . . .,/ p. 3 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Truth is to inner space what sunshine is to a garden.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *F A I T H* = **F**acing **A**n **I**nner **T**ruth **H**eals. Tha ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.08.13

February 7th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 8, 2013* *Self-centeredness* *Simple, but not easy; a price had to be paid. It meant destruction of self-centeredness. I must turn in all things to the Father of Light who presides over us all.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 14 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *If I self-forget I find.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *H O W* = **H**onesty, **O**pen-mindedness, **W**illingness. Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, stren ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.07.13

February 6th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 7, 2013* *Prayer* *Prayer has become a habit with me. Anytime is the time for prayer: in the street, in the factory, sitting still, walking about, or actively engaged upon some task. I must always bear in mind that, like a good parent, God often says no. And the simplest prayer is "God, thank you, thank you." I have so much to be thankful for, and sobriety tops the list.* /- Thank You For Sharing,/ p. 192 *Thought to Ponder . . . ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.06.13

February 5th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 6, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Surrender* On the face of it, /surrendering/ certainly doesn't sound like /winning./ But it is in AA. . . We must, and we do, surrender to win.* /- Experience, Strength and Hope,/ pp. 155-156 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Avoidance is not the key; surrender opens the door. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *K I S S* = **K**eep **I**t **S**imple; **S**urrender.* * *A Member Shares:* **I’m Pete, an alkie in recovery. Surrender ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.05.13

February 4th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 5, 2013* *Habits* *Our drinking was connected to many habits -- big and little. Some of them were thinking habits, or things we felt inside ourselves. Others were doing habits -- things we did, actions we took. In getting used to not drinking, we found that we needed new habits to take the place of the old ones.* /- Living Sober,/ p. 1 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Habits are like cork or lead -- they tend to keep you up or hold you down.* *AA-related 'Alcon ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.04.13

February 3rd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 4, 2013* *Belief* *I can't say upon what occasion or upon what day I came to believe in a Power greater than myself, but I certainly have that belief now. To acquire it, I only had to stop fighting and practice the rest of AA's program as enthusiastically as I could.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 27 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Belief is a continuing action.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A B C* = **A**cceptance, **B**elief, **C**hange. Than ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.03.13

February 2nd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 3, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *The Gift* "Gratitude should go forward, rather than backward. In other words, if you carry the message to still others, you will be making the best possible repayment for the help given to you."* /- As Bill Sees It,/ p. 29 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Sobriety is a gift. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *G I F T S* = **G**etting **I**t **F**rom **T**he **S**teps.* * *A Member Shares:* **Hi, I am Jim an ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.02.13

February 1st 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 2, 2013* *Think* *I can't afford resentments against anyone, because they are the build-up of another drunk. I must live and let live. And "think" -- that one important word means so much to me. My life was always act and react. I never stopped to think. I just didn't give a whoop about myself or anyone else.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 293 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *The Seven T's -- Take Time To Think The Thing Through.* * ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 02.01.13

January 31st 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *February 1, 2013* *Humility for Today* *Guilt is really the reverse side of the coin of pride. Guilt aims at self-destruction and pride aims at the destruction of others. /This is why I see humility for today as that safe and secure stance midway between these violent emotional extremes. to take my next small step up the clearly marked road that points to eternal values./* /- The Best of Bill,/ p. 47 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Many people haven't even a nodding ac ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.31.13

January 30th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 31, 2013* *Control* *We alcoholics are men and women who have lost the ability to control our drinking. We know that no real alcoholic /ever/ recovers control.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 30 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *When we try to control our drinking, we have already lost control.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *A A* = **A**bsolute **A**bstinence. Thanks to all of you for sharing so generously of your experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA m ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.30.13

January 29th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 30, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Providence* It is truly awful to admit, glass in hand, we have warped our minds into such an obsession for destructive drinking that only an act of Providence can remove it from us.* /- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,/ p. 21 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *When I share my story and remember the last days of my drinking, I remember the desperation of selling the last pieces of my soul. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.29.13

January 28th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 29, 2013* *The Lesson* *I spent most of my life worrying about myself, thinking that I was unwanted, that I was unloved. I've learned since being in AA that the more I worry about me loving you, and the less I worry about you loving me, the happier I'll be. . . I have learned that the more I give, the more I will have; the more I learn to give, the more I learn to live.* /- Experience, Strength and Hope,/ p. 218 *Thought to Ponder . . .* ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.28.13

January 27th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 28, 2013* *Progress* *We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 60 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Give me the courage to be imperfect.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *H O W* = **H**onesty, **O**pen-mindedness, **W**illingness. Thanks to all of you for shar ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.27.13

January 26th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 27, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Housecleaning* Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join us.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 164 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Trust God. Clean house. Help others. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *F A I T H* = **F**ound **A**lways **I**n **T**rusting **H**im.* * *A Member Shares:* ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.26.13

January 25th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/ Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 26, 2013* *Willfulness* *My willfulness is still very much a part of me and may always be a stumbling block to progress in my ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.25.13

January 24th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 25, 2013* *Self-pity* *Self-pity is one of the most unhappy and consuming defects that we know. It is a bar to all spiritual progress ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.24.13

January 23rd 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 24, 2013* *The First One* *If we do not take the first drink, we never get drunk. Therefore, instead of planning never to get drunk, ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.23.13

January 22nd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 23, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Patience* I was like the proverbial "kid in a candy store." I couldn't wait to get to Step Twelve; it was surely only a few months' work, or so I thought! I realize now that living the Twelve Steps of AA is a lifelong undertaking.* /- Daily Reflections,/ p. 73 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *The Three P's -- Patience, Persistence, Peace. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *P U T* = **P**atience, **U ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.22.13

January 21st 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 22, 2013* *Honesty* *Honesty is the easiest word for me to understand because it is the exact opposite of what I've been doing all my ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.21.13

January 20th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 21, 2013* *Surrender* *On the face of it, /surrendering/ certainly does not seem like /winning./ Only after we have come to the end o ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.20.13

January 19th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 20, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Fellowship* Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends -- this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 89 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Together we can do what we could never do alone. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.19.13

January 18th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 19, 2013* *Courage* *When fear persisted, we knew it for what it was, and we became able to handle it. We began to see each adversi ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.18.13

January 17th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 18, 2013* *Unmanageability* *AA offers us a program of recovery from our past feelings about the unmanageability of life, a program ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.17.13

January 16th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 17, 2013* *Persuasion* *Faced with alcoholic destruction, we soon became as open-minded on spiritual matters as we had tried to be ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.16.13

January 15th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 16, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *The Actor* More than most people, the alcoholic leads a double life. He is very much the actor. To the outer world he presents his stage character. This is the one he wants his fellows to see. He wants to enjoy a certain reputation, but knows in his heart he doesn't deserve it.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 73 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Self-esteem doesn't need an audience. *AA-related 'Alconym' . . . ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.15.13

January 14th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 15, 2013* *Humility* *"Perpetual quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore; ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.14.13

January 13th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 14, 2013* *Listen* *Under the lash of alcoholism, we are driven to AA, and there we discover the fatal nature of our situation. Then, and ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.13.13

January 12th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 13, 2013 *~ Scroll Down for Share ~* *Acceptance* *And acceptance is the answer to /all/ my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation -- some fact of my life -- unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation exactly as its supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake.* */- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 41 ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.12.13

January 11th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 12, 2013* *Meetings* *AA meetings help us form lifelong friendships of true intimacy, connect with all manner of people, speak what's in our hea ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.11.13

January 10th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 11, 2013* *Surrender* *When I came to realize that, by myself, I could do nothing to overcome the power of alcohol, I realized I had no recourse ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.10.13

January 9th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 10, 2013* *Belonging* *There is no more aloneness, with that awful ache, so deep in the heart of every alcoholic, that nothing, before, could ev ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.09.13

January 8th 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AAOnline.net) *January 9, 2013* **~ Scroll Down for Share ~** **Easy Does It** **If a strong inner core of peace, patience, and contentment looks at all desirable to you, it can be had. Remind yourself once in a while maybe "Easy Does It" is this day's ideal speed. The change can start right now, remember?** /- Living Sober,/ p. 46 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Patience is passion tamed.* *AA-related 'Alconym' . . .* *P U T* = *P*atience, *U*nderstanding, *T*olerance. *A M ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.08.13

January 7th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 8, 2013* *Hope* * The secret of fulfilling my potential is in acknowledging my limitations and believing that time is a gift, not a threat. Hop ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.07.13

January 6th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 7, 2013* *Obsession* *Under the lash of alcoholism, we are driven to AA, and there we discover the fatal nature of our situation. Then, and only ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.06.13

January 5th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 6, 2013* *Learning to Live* *You will be learning to live. You will make mistakes, but if you are in earnest they will not drag you down. Instea ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.05.13

January 4th 2013 UTC

We have changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 5, 2013* *Pickled* * Alcoholism is incurable -- just like some other illnesses. It cannot be "cured" in this sense: We cannot change ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.04.13

January 3rd 2013 UTC

We have just changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 4, 2013* *Tolerance* *We can try to stop making unreasonable demands upon those we love. We can show kindness where we had shown none. With ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.03.13

January 3rd 2013 UTC

We have just changed email servers so please make sure you add us to your Safe Sender List. Also the URL to change your subscription has changed. It is now http://aa-alive.org/subscribe.html. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this change so that we can serve you better. *AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 3, 2013* *Powerless* * All I had to do was ask myself a simple question: "Am I or am I not powerless over alcohol?" I didn't hav ...Continue Reading

Daily Thought 01.02.13

January 2nd 2013 UTC

*AA Thought for the Day* (courtesy AA-Alive.net) *January 2, 2013* *A New Meaning* *Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends -- this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.* /- Alcoholics Anonymous,/ p. 89 *Thought to Ponder . . .* *Every recovery from alcoholism began ...Continue Reading
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